Such heavy surveillance. Don't they realize they can just go look on Facebook?
This is the actual border in the Joint Security Area (JSA) of the DMZ. Notice the 3 Republic of Korea (ROK) soldiers standing at attention. The 2 at half profile are both protecting themselves so they're a harder target and giving themselves the ability to signal behind them if needed. In the front, there is our US Army sponsored tour guide. The two blue buildings are conference rooms where negotiations can (and have) taken place. In between the two blue buildings, you see a concrete line--that's the border itself. If you look way off in the distance, you can seen directly facing us a North Korean (Korean People's Army) soldier. He is watching our every movement through binoculars.
Apparently, the microphones are left on to record everything in the room. I'm sure we gave someone a few fun things to listen to.
How childish. I mean, not like that'd stop us, but still.
And of course, we had to do the typical tourist pose inside the conference room, standing at attention with an ROK soldier. Both of us are technically in North Korean territory since the building is split in the center and we're on the other side of the line. As my travel partner pointed out, though, no passport stamp for crossing this border...
When I'm back, I hope it's as a passenger.
Right next to the JSA is Dorasan Station. If and when North and South Korea are reunited, it will serve as the connection between Seoul and Pyongyang. But perhaps more importantly, once operational, it will also connect the Trans Siberian Railway line to South Korea. In other words, you could take a train from London all the way to Busan, or the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula! But as of now, it sits unused, and overland travel via train from the rest of Asia to South Korea remains but a distant dream.
Not going to lie--playing on railroad tracks is a lot of fun anywhere in the world
And lastly, here we are on the tracks to Pyongyang. Next time...
Lol haven't uploaded yet the picture wherein you're in South Korea and I'm in the North :D