Thursday, July 21, 2011

Waiwai Club Taiko

Once a year. That's it.

Of course there are other performances scattered throughout the rest of the year. We play at parties, weddings, and a few other festivals. However, when it comes down to it, Waiwai Taiko exists for Kokura Gion Daiko Festival. If there was no festival, there'd be no team.

And well, was it worth it?

All the time spent practicing; all the blood, sweat, and tears; all of it for a year... just for a weekend?

Our completed 山車 (dashi)


What an amazing experience. It was fun seeing other teams play--it gave a chance to compare different styles and which ones I want to mimic in the future. It was also good to show off ourselves as a team. We weren't the best, but we definitely held our own (8th out of 14! Not bad for a group of 1st and 2nd year players).

That said, while watching and playing were fun, my favorite part out of everything was just hanging out. Practicing for the 2 weeks leading up, plus putting in 10-12 hour days on Saturday and Sunday... we saw a lot of each other. And throughout it all, there was no doubt that the down time was the most fun--the talking, eating, drinking, joking, laughing, or simply put, the camaraderie. Taiko might have brought us together, but it could have been any activity and it would have been just as enjoyable

Already like a distant memory...

So now I have all this free time since taiko is over and no idea what to do with it. It's kinda... sad. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011 - Kokura Gion Daiko Festival

Good thing we have another performance next week.

1 comment:

  1. Blood, sweat, tears and calluses. You forgot calluses.

    So glad to be rid of all of you for a week. Just kidding. わいわいは最高だ!
